Star Struck
It's summer, and since I'm a teacher, summer is used to catch up on everything that doesn't get done during the school year. So far, I've painted two rooms, painted two ceilings, painted some woodwork, supervised installation of crown moldings in a bedroom, new lights and a ceiling fan in my kitchen (goodbye 1950s), lights in the basement (goodbye scary extension cords and darkness) had repairmen in for my washing machine (crimped hose, $90), dishwasher (poor electrical connection, $0, thank you to the extended warranty that I bought knowing most dishwashers break), and am having the plumbers in today to fix a toilet that sounds like a sprinkler system on the fritz. Still to come are painting the back and front stairwells and upstairs hall and having the front and back doors replaced and more crown molding installed in the kitchen. The plasterers were quite busy in May, repairing cracks, skimcoating, and putting in sheets of thin drywall over some ancient ceilings. Painting just takes time! And, houses that were built in 1850 always have problems that take three times as long to fix and twice as much money as budgeted.

In the breakfast nook
Over the kitchen sink. Still need to repaint the window frames and get my window treatments back up.
In the center of the room. The fan looks huge, but it's one of the smaller ones out there and seems ok. I was concerned that my 6-foot husband and son would hit their heads, but there's plenty of room.
Also, I've traveled 7 hours each way to visit family twice, and had a houseguest for 11 days!
Quilting has taken a back seat to all the home projects, but I was able to complete another Bonnie Hunter Star Struck shown at the top. It's a good sized quilt for a baby gift and I always like to have one or two ready for giving. And, I just found out that a cousin is expecting next month! Serendipity!